A Generation That Scares Me….


Money, drugs, sex, heartless individuals to name a few. To be honest, I’m afraid to live in this time. It’s pretty sad when, as a human, you’re scared to get close to someone or let others get close to you just to simply guard your heart. It’s a sad feeling knowing you can’t love someone how you want because they’ll take advantage of you. It’s heartbreaking to know while you’re out here bragging on your man/woman about how amazing he/she is, they’re playing your ass cold blooded with another partner. Instead of turning to our problems to face them, we turn to drugs, alcohol, and sex to mask them. 

I don’t know about you but I’m kind of old school…or whatever you want to call it. When I love, I LOVE. I tell anyone who I’ve had the honor of meeting and impacting (or vice versa) that I love them. Sounds all good right? But beware, telling someone you love them in 2020 could mean they’ll never talk to you again forever. Yes, BECAUSE YOU SAID I LOVE YOU! That’s how fucked up society is. When I meet someone, I want to make them happy more than I want to make me happy. It’s not about me anymore when I meet someone. What goes through my mind is “How can I serve you?”. That’s really all there is to it. I don’t want anything back in return. I just want to make you happy. I just wish more people were like that. I just wish the world didn’t turn so many men and women cold hearted. Because love is so fucking beautiful. In all its forms.

Bad experiences: 

If I’m referring to you, good. Ever fell in love and got your entire soul demolished and you’ve put up a wall that allows no one to enter? Shame on you! You’re missing out on so much love, experiences, and memories. Just because one person crushed your heart doesn’t mean the next will. Some may! But that’s the game of love. You don’t win if you don’t play. You can ask any married couple have they been hurt before and trust me, they’ll say yes but if they would’ve given up, they would’ve never met the dream wife/husband they’re currently with. It’s all a game and you have to play the game. Don’t let a single human stop you from loving anyone else. Don’t give that person that much power over you. It’s what they wanted and you’re giving it to them. Boss up, take your loss like a man or a woman, and continue the journey. I know I’m making it sound easier than it is but I’m one of them people who got their heart broken and guess what? If I would’ve numb myself, I wouldn’t have met my wonderful love in which we are almost hitting 11 years now. It’s not over. There’s always a chance. 


I’ll be the first to tell you, nothing externally will help you get over something or someone. Alcohol only masks the problems for a night. Drugs only masks the problem for a night. Sex only masks the problem for a night. Wherever you go, there you are. There’s no running from your life! Want to know what you could do? Put the drugs down. Put the bottle down. Stop sleeping around. Dig deep and find yourself again. Confront the problem. Resolve the problem!!!! Be alone for a while and really find our who you are. That person who destroyed you didn’t come to destroy you….they came to teach you a lesson that only going through this would’ve taught you. No mistake was ever made. They came for a reason and left for a reason. Don’t question it. Just find out all the good shit you’ve learned from this person and carry it on to the next relationship you have. All I see is a bunch of cowards running away from their problems! I done been through shit in my 29 years as well. Do you see me loading up a needle to mask my problems? You see me with alcohol or wine every day? You see me sexually dominating every girl I meet? Nah. I confronted the problem, resolved the problem, and found myself again. You can too. 


Whatever you do, DO NOT bring your problems from the past unto another person. Don’t fuck up someone’s life. Maybe you’re using that person as a fuck friend to occupy you to help you get over your previous but you never know the true, genuine feelings that person has for you. You’re looking at him/her as a stepping stone yet they’re looking at you as a future. Please, please get over your previous before enjoying the next. Please. You’ll only create a cycle. A cycle you don’t want to be involved in. Just let it be healthy for the both of you. You got this!!! 


Yep, the lovely dollar. The one thing we all chase to acquire. Am I saying something is wrong with making and chasing money? Nooooo. We need it for our own survival. However, putting money over morals is where the issue comes in. To be honest, the sad truth is there’s not too much someone wouldn’t do for a piece of the cake. They’d do anything, even if it means going against the exact thing they don’t believe in. People won’t remember you for your money. They’ll remember you for the impact you’ve had on them. So the next time you find yourself in a situation where it could be money over morals, choose morals my friends. You’ll sleep better at night. 

So in conclusion, let’s spread love. Let’s have morals. Let’s remember the person you’re talking to is a human and they have feelings. If your intent isn’t to better someone, please, stay the fuck out of their lives. 

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